

Kennt jemand von euch das HD-7 (Heavy Duty Seven) von Emerson?

Hab es im neuen Katalog gesehen!
Hi Dirk,
da hab ich mich wohl an den falschen Ständen rumgedrückt ;)

Wie ist die Verarbeitung von dem Teil (war wahrscheinlich ein Prototyp oder?).
Entspricht es dem CQC-7?

Wie ist der Frame Lock und vor allem, was sagt wann der Geldbeutel :hehe:

Hi Markus!

Der Prototyp (?), den ich in der Hand hatte war gut.
Ich habe es nicht direkt mit dem CQC-7 verglichen, aber laut Emerson ist es ja das gleiche Messer.

ACMA Reuss hat als VK € 419 angegeben. Der Dollarpreis ist mir nicht bekannt.

Auf der ACMA-Reus page findet man die neuen Emersons. Das HD7 gibt es als Framelock nur ausTitan nur direkt über EKI in den Staaten.
Die Production Linie hat wie das Vorbild :D Strider SNG Titan auf der Lock-Seite und G10 als Griff-Oberseite. In dieser Vesrion gibt es übrigens noch ein Miodel mit Bowieklinge. Die Preise finde ich mal wieder typisch Emerson: viel zu teuer :glgl:
Hab das Teil jetzt bei meinem Händler in USA entdeckt. Natürlich nur Preorder. Hab mir aber eins bestellt, und lass mich überraschen.

@Marcus: Welcher Händler, hast du da ne Int. Adresse?

Auf Ernie´s HP finde ich das Teil nicht.

Wie war denn so die Handlage?
Ich kann ein paar schöne Bilder dieses Messers beisteuern. Leider aber nicht viel mehr.









Bilder aus´m USN.

da bin ich aber doch etwas erstaunt, daß herr emerson, der schon bei der leisesten eingebildeten ähnlichkeit zu einem seiner designs KOPIE brüllt (commander/skirmish), hier deutliche anleihen beim strider smf/sng gemacht hat, zumindest griffseitig... :argw: :argw: :argw:
Er hat darüber im USN einen Thread geschaltet.:

Zitat Emerson:

To Any and All Concerned

From: Ernest Emerson

There seems to be quite a buzz going on about the Strider SNG and the Emerson HD-7 Knife. First let me say that I have discussed this matter personally with Duane and we are as solid with each other now as we ever have been.

Now, I know that both of our companies have very loyal and steadfast supporters who are the “salt of the earth.” I believe that our companies, Strider and Emerson, are unique in the industry to have the hard core following that we have. Because of this enthusiasm and emotional loyalty, sometimes people get reactive and defensive about any perceived threat toward their own camps. On top of that, there are those who seem to take great delight in goading or pouring fuel onto a situation just for the sake of creating controversy (there are many).

Perhaps this may apply in this case. Anyway, to get back to the subject.

Duane and Mick have a very popular knife that features a G10/Titaniuim combination handle. Duane has told me that they have sold thousands and the orders keep rolling in. Their knife is certainly the first large-scale production version to use the G10/Titanium combination handle. I applaud them for their success with the idea, and I know they will sell thousands more.

However, just to clarify what may be confusing the issue here I must discuss the following so that the facts may be put on the table; Yes, the Striders brought their knife to the table first and will always be known as the innovators of this design feature. But, way back in 1994, when I was working with Benchmade, they were also talking to Chris Reeve about a knife design for them. Now as we all know Chris was the originator (I believe) of the integral lock knife. Benchmade asked me to build some prototypes of several versions of designs we were working on. These knives featured G10/Titanium combination handles. I may even have a couple of these prototypes somewhere in a box.

These knives featured (A) one side G10, one side .125 titanium, (B) one side G10, one side two pieces of .062 titanium, (C) 2 sides of .125 titanium and (D) two pieces of .125 G10 with a milled pocket for a .090 thick lock insert.

At the time for whatever reason Chris decided not to go with Benchmade and Benchmade decided not to go with the .125 integral lock idea.

So, in the end, the idea has been kicked around before and that is that.

I never built an integral lock knife to sell in the past due to my deference to my good friend Chris Reeve. It was not until several companies and several hundred custom knifemakers were already doing it that I introduced this lock to our line. I introduced the knives at last years SHOT Show and also had them at the Blade Show in Atlanta, in Chicago and in New York. They were also featured in our last year’s catalog, so they have been in the public view for over a year. It seems weird that after a year this has become an issue. Since I had already played with the idea of both titanium handled knives and titanium/G10 combo handles over 10 years ago, I did not see it as stepping into virgin territory or borrowing anyone else’s idea. I have fully discussed this with Duane and we are both clear about the matter.

I want to relate just one similar story that may be relevant.

When I was training at the Gracie Academy back in the 90’s, there was a tremendous rivalry between the Machados and the Gracies. There were wars between the two camps and hundreds of internet challenges between enraged followers of each side. Someday Rigan Machado would fight Rickson Gracie to prove who was better.

Or so it seemed.

In reality, first off, they were cousins who had been friends since birth. Secondly, whenever Rigan was going back to Brazil for some tournament or championship he would be over training with Rickson, Royce and even Helio in preparation for his fight.

Because the individual followers of these two different schools were global and connected by the internet, they were not privy to what was actually occurring. They were not aware of the historical record or even the friendship that has always existed. Yet to those on the outside these two families not only competed against each other, but hated each other, while in reality the exact opposite was the case.

Did Mick and Duane popularize the idea for their knife? – yes – certainly so. Was the idea around for a while – yes – to that also.

I’m OK with that. Duane’s OK with that.

That’s all I have to say on it.

Ernest R. Emerson

Zitat Ende.

Wichtige Stelle:

I’m OK with that. Duane’s OK with that.

M K G said:
da bin ich aber doch etwas erstaunt, daß herr emerson, der schon bei der leisesten eingebildeten ähnlichkeit zu einem seiner designs KOPIE brüllt (commander/skirmish), hier deutliche anleihen beim strider smf/sng gemacht hat, zumindest griffseitig... :argw: :argw: :argw:

Zu genau dem Thema gibts seitenweise Threads im USN. Weil Mr. Strider das wohl nicht so toll findet. Mr Emmerson hat sich lang und breit verteidigt, dass er die Idee schon vor Jahren hatte und sie nur nie umgesetzt hat. .... :steirer:

Einseitige Ti-Frames gibt es allerdings wie Sand am Meer, bei nachträglich modifizierten EKIs.(und natürlich auch anderen Messern)

Zumindest in dden USA sssheint das nichts neues zu sein.

Blackhawk said:
Einseitige Ti-Frames gibt es allerdings wie Sand am Meer, bei nachträglich modifizierten EKIs.(und natürlich auch anderen Messern)
Zumindest in dden USA sssheint das nichts neues zu sein.

So ein Schwachsinn. Die gibt es allesamt seid den Stridern.
Dagen hat Mike Strider nur deswegen nichts, weil es keine Serien-Messer in Großauflage sind. Hat er auch alles lang und breit im USN beschrieben.
Außerdem geht es ja gerade um die G10-Titan kombie.

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Ich hab doch gar nicht gesagt, dass es das schon länger gibt als die Strider.

Haben die Strider-Guys ein Patent für "Bi-Material-Griffe" aus Titan und G10?

But, way back in 1994, when I was working with Benchmade, they were also talking to Chris Reeve about a knife design for them. Now as we all know Chris was the originator (I believe) of the integral lock knife. Benchmade asked me to build some prototypes of several versions of designs we were working on. These knives featured G10/Titanium combination handles. I may even have a couple of these prototypes somewhere in a box.

Ernie hatte die Idee schon etwas länger als Strider. Mick war eben nur der erste, der sie umgesetzt hat. Deshalb gibt es auch kein Problem.

Ich hab ein HD7 und muss sagen, dass meine hohen Erwartungen noch übertroffen wurden!!
Das Design wurde überarbeitet, der Griff liegt jetzt viel besser und sicherer in der Hand. Die Verarbeitung ist perfekt!! Super smooth, null Toleranzen und perfectly centered Blade :)

Für mich der beste SD Folder dens gibt!! :super: