Trident O-1 in action.


Me and my friends:


This door didn't have a chance


The knife:




Here I'll place my foot.


Problems with balance.


100+ kg monster....


The boot took some pressure... ;)


That was fun!
Thanks for sharing theese pictures :)

I like to see when a Knife is hard used, or even a little abused.

Oli, ganz deiner Meinung! :super:

Also ich finde solche Bilder einfach gut - weiß man doch, was man damit alles machen kann/könnte...
Oder wer würde sonst freiwillg sein Messer so "vergewaltigen" nur aus Spaß an der Freud´?

@ wojtas13:
Thank´s for that great impressions! :haemisch:
This was no test. It was pure fun.

If you dont like it, it's ok, but if I pleased you with the picts, it's even better.

I've read the test in Messermagazin, so I was not surprised that I did not damaged the knife. I'm just a knife freak and I'm havin lots of fun from playing with knives.

Best regards,

After all, what is the use of having a strong knife and not push it hard. I've got plenty of knives wich can be broken/damaged singlehanded. But some of knives just ask for some more attention.
Michael L. said:
Ok i will try to explain mi point of few:

Moralist modus on: to play with weapons is no fun, to train with weapons is an serious thing, to use weapons if necessary is in my opinnion nothing i wont to be forced anytime. If you have fun with knives no mater. Every Knive-fan has fun with his knives. But think wat's happen if a third person , not interrested in knives so much, see you playing with your guns and Knive? This forum could be visited by everyone.
Moralist modus stopped.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand the only problem here is a gun and camo?

If I have posted similar picts, but wearing some outdoor clothes. Put the knife between two rocks and stand on, it that would be ok?

What I showed was only a strenght of a knife. If I would done the same with a bowie and I was dressed as a cowboy, it would be ok?

I did not hurt anyone, I did not wrote that a knife is a weapon. I did not posted photos "how to kill with a knife". For me knife is a tool. All other aspects are marginal.

This knife is tactical, and I showed a "tactical possible" use of it.

See the last phrase of my first post: That was fun! No more, no less.
Don´t worry Wojtas. People tend to have no humor as soon as there´s camo content in a pic.
Please remember: This is the Galerie!
It's for showing pictures and not for discussions about moral things.
so leute , nochmals zum mitschreiben.
lest das hier
nochmals durch

mir ist es absolut egal, ob es einem moralisch nicht gefällt oder sonst was.
macht dann doch einen anderen post in der prügelecke auf.

wer hier nochmals so einen mist postet, der hier nicht hergehört , bekommt ne schreibsperre.

und diskutiert wird hier auch nicht darüber.